Ukraine Flag Item Donation Refugees Berlin Walking Tours

Item donation action on Berlin tours for Ukrainian refugees

Yoann Rousset

Dear Friends,

Like you, we have been dismayed and heartbroken to read the news of the war in Ukraine; of the lives lost; of families torn apart as many are forced to flee their homes for safety.

For travelers far from home, it can sometimes be difficult to find the best way to help.

To this end, we would like to offer those of you taking one of our Free Tours of Berlin this week (March 5 through March 13) the opportunity to donate useful items, which we would then take to a collection organization that welcomes refugees at Berlin train stations and supports the rescue efforts in Ukraine and the borders of Poland.

These may include items you have with you while travelling and could spare, or items that are easily purchasable from any chemist or supermarket.

Simply show up to your FREE Walking Tour and, during the break, your tour guide will present with you with the opportunity to leave any of the following items:

  • First aid kits/ materials
  • Batteries
  • USB power banks (charged)
  • Torches
  • Hygiene products (small soaps, female hygiene sanitary products, toothpaste)
  • Cold and flu medication
  • Pain killers
  • Small snacks in packages
  • Sim cards

Many thanks and safe travels.




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